Dawn Livera

Eclectic Community Artist

Dawn's Story

Dawn Livera is an eclectic textile and mixed media artist who believes that “there are no mistakes”. She was born in Colombo, Sri Lanka, spent her childhood in London, England and her adolescence in Kelowna, BC, Canada, the unceded territory of the Okanagan Peoples. She has lived in Vancouver, Canada, Coast Salish territory, her whole adult life.

Dawn believes that making art should not be the private domain of the “talented” or “learned” few. Rather, everyone should feel free to explore their own creativity without worrying about whether their art is “good enough”.

Everyone should feel free to explore their own creativity without worrying about whether their art is 'good enough.'

The Process

Dawn Livera creates art intuitively without planning, letting the materials and her instincts guide her process. She works with individuals and community groups to help others to discover their personal artistic voices, without judgement.

In 2020, she invited people to send her hand made postcards documenting their experiences during this extraordinary year. 

See more of Dawn's Art

Dawn's Event

Activate. Cultivate. Initiate!