Karl Kliparchuk
Karl's Story
Karl Kliparchuk is a wine writer at www.mywinepal.com and a retired teacher living in Burnaby, BC.
A newer poet, most poems are written in free-verse, but also writes structured poems such as Triplets and Pantoums. His poems cover a variety of topics from wine, experiences in Burnaby, gardening and much more. He had his free-verse poems published by winecellarpress.com, academyoftheheartandmind, the StrideFest Burnaby Arts Festival 2022 and 2023, Wingless Dreamer Publisher, and by Kind of A Hurricane Press.
Karl Kliparchuk

Karl's Story
Karl Kliparchuk is a wine writer at www.mywinepal.com and a retired teacher living in Burnaby, BC.
A newer poet, most poems are written in free-verse, but also writes structured poems such as Triplets and Pantoums. His poems cover a variety of topics from wine, experiences in Burnaby, gardening and much more. He had his free-verse poems published by winecellarpress.com, academyoftheheartandmind, the StrideFest Burnaby Arts Festival 2022 and 2023, Wingless Dreamer Publisher, and by Kind of A Hurricane Press.