Featured Artists

Jillian Chateauneuf
I am a photographer who notices intriguing light and creative elements in many different genres and I use photography to capture and share this beauty with others.

Jayme Dunn
I am a beauty, fashion, and product photographer always looking for beauty in the world and having fun along the way.

Deanna Fogstrom
I am hoping to create a reminder, a prompt, and an emotional connection to the historic hopes and dreams of our city and to inspire us to act as compassionate citizens and consider carefully how we make decisions about our community.

Tannis Hopkins
I am an expressive, playful and heartfelt artist seeking to stir emotions in my viewers.

Akemi Ito
I am a curious artist in the curious neighbourhood, Burnaby Heights.

Marika Morissette
I am a visual artist specializing in acrylic fluid pour paintings who strives to inspire others to lead creative lives.

Emilie Paco
I am an emerging, experimental artist often inspired by films and photographs to create surreal visuals, aiming to reflect human experience.

Jamie Poh
I am an award-winning, published, and Nationally Accredited Professional Photographer of Canada with a background in digital film & video production.

Ninna Snider
I am a mixed media artist that loves mixing things like clay, found items and paint together to make fun and creative works of art.

Bill Thomson
I am an explorer of recycled materials and alternative spaces that inhabit my everyday world.